News and curiosity

Wines for the Summer: The Top 5 from Giordano!
The start of the hot summer season triggers the desire to party with friends and there are now more opportunities than ever to uncork our favourite wines! Need any suggestions? Here are the Top 5 Giordano wines, perfect for summer.
Organising a drinks party at home? Finger foods and wines for a guaranteed success!
A quick aperitif, simple but delicious recipes, the right wines for the occasion, and the job is one: a drinks party at home can become the trendiest event! Discover our suggestions for a guaranteed success
New Year's Eve dinner? 5 wines to try!
Fill your cellar with all of the bottles you need to make your New Year's Eve dinner unique: here are our suggestions!
HalloWine Quiz: are you ready for the scariest party of the year?
Ghosts, zombies and vampires are all gearing up celebrate Halloween: pour a glass and play a game with Giordano Wines to find out how prepared you are for All Hallows’ Eve!