The Giordano 2017 Horoscope is here!

We decided to start the year with our Horoscope: how will your 2017 be? Sign by sign, you’ll find all the predictions… and tips for when the zodiac calls for you to raise a glass!

The Giordano 2017 Horoscope is here!

Date of publication: 09/01/2017

The new year has just begun, but do you already want to know what it will bring? Have you already read your horoscope in many magazines and websites, but the predictions are so different they don’t seem to refer to the same star signs? You are in the right place: the Giordano 2017 horoscope is the only one you will need! Sign by sign, here are our predictions for the coming months. Find out what the stars will bring, and most of all… raise a glass with Giordano!


March 21 – April 20

Oroscopo Ariete

This year will have a slow start for Aries, due to some troubles caused by the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn. These planets should learn to mind their own business, and yet... The sign’s typical stubborness will repay Aries from June onwards. There will be the opportunity for an important trip. And what about singles? A new meeting might bring on a change in your love life… and if that doesn’t happen, you always have sweet truffles.


April 21 – May 20

Oroscopo Toro

Here’s the truth: every Taurus loves to be in control of the situation. 2017 will fulfill this need in the first quarter, then the music will change. Attacking the situation headfirst as if you were involved in a bullfight? That might not be the best choice. Grin and bear it, things will get better in September. In the meantime, Cabernet Sauvignon might help.


May 21 – June 21

Oroscopo Gemelli

A cracking 2017, full of adventure and excitement. Is that what you wanted? Too bad it’s not all true… The zodiac will be a little unkind to Gemini during the summer, often moving them away from centre stage. Slow recovery from September onwards. Work? Slow recovery from September onwards. Love? There will be plenty of time to sit back, open a bottle of Prosecco and… think about anything else!


June 22 – July 22

Oroscopo Cancro

It will be a relaxed and peaceful year, during which you will get the most comfort from the familiar warmth of home. A few headaches at work, but only in the spring. Do you want a summer of scorching hot passion? Yes, there is room for something spicy in the lives of those born under this sign: stuffed red chili peppers!


Juli 23 – August 23

Oroscopo Leone

Everyone will bow to the will of a Leo without batting an eyelid. The people around Leos will immediately recognise them as capable and charming leaders. Whatever you choose will prove fruitful. Then, the alarm bells will ring and wake you up. Have courage, little Leo: if everything does not go according to plan, there will always be the chance to put things back on track. For example, a nice glass of Chianti shared with loved ones.


August 24 – September 22

Oroscopo Vergine

The generosity of those born under this sign will be well rewarded: all your sacrifices, commitment and honesty will be paid back in full this year. Not until December, though. The first part of the year will not be all roses. But do not lose heart! If you want roses from January, you can find them in a bottle of Chardonnay!


September 23 – October 22

Oroscopo Bilancia

The innate desire for justice that inspires a Libra will find them clashing with several injustices over the course of the year. Not lacking in fighting spirit, the results are often positive. But sometimes, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Venus will interfere, and who can get the better of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Venus when they do? Take a break, pour a generous glass of Barbera d’Asti and you're ready to take on more than before!


October 23 – November 22

Oroscopo Scorpione

Calm and cold-blooded: dear Scorpio, the world does not have it in for you. Your boss will not fire you, friends will not conspire against you, no one is hiding secrets that will change your life. The voice that warns you about these things has a name: paranoia. No paranoia in 2017. Take time off and relax with a good Brunello as often as you need to... keeping your eyes ALWAYS open, of course.


November 23 – December 21

Oroscopo Sagittario

As the most free-spirited, Sagittarius will be challenged by an apparent roadblock that affects the workplace during spring. It will be hard to endure, keep your feet on the ground and submit to the decisions of others ... but, dear Sagittarius, remain calm and you will be richly rewarded! There is a journey in your future: not to a very far destination, but rich and valuable nonetheless. Some more details? Here you go: you will start your journey very soon by walking downstairs to the cellar and... uncorking a bottle of Eventus Rosso!


December 22 – January 20


Those born under the Capricorn sign will experience a 2017 full of challenges and achievements. Stubborn and determined, no challenge will manage to break their iron willpower. They will pay attention to every detail, even the smallest one, without neglecting anything. Capricorns want to achieve results more than anything else, gain command of the situation, and they will succeed. This last sentence is for all of you who live with a Capricorn: sit back and eat a lot of pralines. You will need a lot of patience to endure the perfectionism of a stubborn Capricorn!


January 21 – February 19

Oroscopo Acquario

A proper Aquarius dishes out advice and makes him or herself fully available to others, and this will not change in 2017. Not at all. In fact, Aquarius will provide suggestions, opinions and help to anybody needing them. A critical period will start in autumn due to the bad feelings surrounding a broken relationship. Do not crush everything and everyone with your anger and dedicate a few moments to tasting a nice Grappa di Barolo instead. It might not be the solution to every evil… but it will certainly help!


20 February – March 20

Oroscopo Pesci

A long-awaited breakthrough will finally happen this year. Pisces will finally make decisions they have been putting off, be less affected by other people’s problems, and turn their dreams into reality. Isn’t that wonderful? Unfortunately, it won’t always be like this… Dear Pisces, do not get discouraged: your strength lies in your sensitivity and ability to understand what other people need. 2017 will be a positive year: and if you want to give the good things a little encouragement, why not start with a nice supply of Rosè Spumante?

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