Daniela and Federica’s favourite wines

Do you want to find out which wines our Daniela and Federica like the most? Here are a few hints: one is a legendary red, the other a fragrant rosé.

Daniela and Federica's favourite wines

Date of publication: 01/03/2017

The best way to communicate about a company is through the words of those who work in it. That's the reason why we decided to interview our colleagues Daniela and Federica this time! Here you will find their personal opinion about our wines!

Daniela’s wine

Per Daniela è il Chianti

“I have no doubts: my favourite wine is Chianti! I chose it because it’s a wine that always works, perfect for any occasion. Whether it’s a simple appetiser, a light starter, a first or second course, this is a wine that can be successfully paired with everything: I know I can never go wrong with a bottle of Chianti on the table.

I chose it mostly because, to me, wine with a capital ‘W’ is red, warm with a full, rounded and embracing flavour. Just like Chianti!”

Federica’s wine

Un fresco Rosato Puglia per Federica

Rosato Puglia! I chose it because it’s a fresh and light-hearted summer wine that reminds me of the lively region where I was born. Drinking it makes me want to eat a fish dinner on the beach, take a walk in the countryside, have a barbeque with friends. The perfect pairing? It’s always going to be the first one I experienced: traditional tomato ‘frisella’ from Apulia, a blend of tradition, flavour and simplicity.

To me, wine evokes feelings and sensations and accompanies a lunch, dinner, or—even better—everything we eat. Wine relaxes your soul, loosens tensions, creates moments that are always and absolutely to be shared.”

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